Warn drivers of hazards and changing road conditions with our TfNSW-approved W4 road signs
W4 road signs are crucial to our road infrastructure, conveying specific messages to road users. These messages range from warnings about potential hazards or upcoming road conditions to offering directions and guidance. By clearly communicating this crucial information, W4 warning signs help drivers make informed decisions and navigate the road safely and efficiently.
HIVIS is a TfNSW-approved sign manufacturer and partners with hundreds of local councils across New South Wales, so you can rest assured knowing your W4 road signs are approved and safe to use.
Shop online for convenient nationwide shipping to your location today.
Our collection of W4 road signs
We offer a range of W4 road signs, each serving a specific purpose and scenario:
Speed Hump Sign: Alerts drivers to the presence of speed humps on the road. Speed humps are designed to slow down vehicle traffic, particularly in areas where pedestrian safety is a concern. The speed hump sign helps drivers anticipate the presence of these traffic calming measures, allowing them to adjust their speed and approach the humps with caution.
Low Clearance Sign: Prevents accidents and damage to vehicles with excessive height. These signs are commonly found near bridges, tunnels, or other structures with limited vertical clearance. The low clearance sign warns drivers of the height restrictions ahead, allowing them to choose an alternative route or take appropriate precautions to avoid collisions or damage.
Left Lane Ends Sign: Informs drivers that the left lane will soon end. This sign typically appears when a lane merges with another lane or exits the roadway entirely. By providing advance notice, the left lane ends sign helps drivers adjust their position on the road and safely merge into the appropriate lane, reducing the risk of accidents or traffic disruptions.
Island Sign: Indicates the presence of a traffic island or median on the road. These islands separate opposing traffic flows, control turning movements, or provide refuge for pedestrians. The island sign helps drivers anticipate the presence of these islands, allowing them to navigate the road safely and in compliance with traffic regulations.
Start Divided Road Sign: Marks the beginning of a divided road, where a physical barrier or a median separates traffic. This sign alerts drivers to the change in road configuration and prompts them to adjust their driving behaviour accordingly. By clearly indicating the start of a divided road, this sign helps drivers stay in the correct lane and maintain a safe distance from other vehicles.
Narrow Bridge Sign: Used to warn drivers of a bridge with limited width. It indicates that the road narrows at the bridge, potentially requiring drivers to yield to oncoming traffic or adjust their speed and position. The narrow bridge sign helps drivers make the necessary adjustments, reducing the risk of accidents and ensuring smooth traffic flow.
End Divided Road Sign: Indicates the conclusion of a divided road, where traffic will merge back into a single lane or multiple lanes without a physical barrier. This sign prepares drivers for the change in road configuration and prompts them to adjust their driving behaviour accordingly.
Road Narrows Sign: Used to warn drivers that the road ahead will narrow, potentially requiring them to adjust their speed or position. This sign prepares drivers for upcoming changes in road width, allowing them to navigate the narrowed section safely and efficiently. By providing advance notice, the road narrows sign helps drivers maintain a consistent flow of traffic and prevent congestion.
Two-Way Road Sign: Indicates a road where traffic flows in opposite directions on the same roadway. This sign helps drivers identify roads where they may encounter oncoming traffic and adjust their driving behaviour accordingly.
Two Lanes On Right Sign: Alerts drivers that two lanes will be available on the right side of the road. This sign allows drivers to plan their routes and position themselves correctly on the road, ensuring a smooth transition into the available lanes.
These signs help drivers anticipate and respond to potential hazards by providing clear warnings, instructions, and information. Stock up online at HIVIS — we offer nationwide shipping from our warehouse in Newcastle, NSW.